Saturday, 23 February 2013

long time you didn't cook "lobak"

During dinner, suddenly Ian asked "mommy, long time you didn't cook lobak"
"Why? I remember last time you cook few times before"

uh oh, how come kids nowadays so demanding.....(sigh)
"Why? when can you make lobak again? Long time I didn't eat lobak"
"well, it requires a lot of works to make lobak."

**you must be wondering what is lobak. those from northern state should know. :-)
lobak actually is 滷肉条. But in southern part, they call it 五香.

"yeah, nowadays with no maid, it's quite hard for me to do it. Last time kakak help me out."
"ok then." (phew....relief)
"since you say it's difficult, can you tell me the steps?"
(eyes popping out >____<)

I can't think of an excuse to not telling him the steps. However, I try to emphasize how tedious the steps are. But to him, it seems like nothing much. He just nod his head as if the steps are simple to him.

After finished explaining, he asked "ok, when can you make it?" @.@