Thursday, 5 June 2014


我所谓的小学问,大启示是指 --》 从孩那里得到的学问,可以给大人们很大的启示



老大今天突然嫌椅子不够高,改用塑料凳。结果,多出来的椅子就成了阻碍。他也懒得把它拿走,情愿挤过去妹妹那里。还好像很自在的吃起饭来。反而我这个没有被影响的却看不顺眼。就尝试问“为什么几个人吃饭,反而会更挤呢?” 他知道是因为多出那张椅子。可是又装出‘好像’不在状况的样子。他的姑姑明示+我的暗示;要他拿开多出的椅子。可是,他就装懵,还是继续吃饭。就是一副,我懂,但是我不想做的样子。最厉害的是:由头到尾,他都点头表示“我懂”,但没有行动。就是没有正面拒绝不要搬开,也没有正面回应。


老二向来以狡,巧和精出名。那天,在刁曼島旅游时,她闯了个小祸。我们公婆俩,还有老大;就来个群轰。开始的时候,她保持安静。当我们进入训话的精髓;她以平静的语气,面带微笑地把话题“很不经意”的带到在远处在睡觉的猫。“你们看看那个‘睡美人’(sleeping beauty),它们大白天也睡的这么甜。”


很多职场上的人都会感慨自己在处理人事纠纷时不够的婉转。那你们也可以从小瓜们那里学学啊!你只要留意小瓜们是如何沟通,如何处理争执;你就会有大发现。最经典的就是,小瓜们现在可以为小事争个面红耳赤;但下一秒,可能因为一个玩具,他们又会聚在一起玩个不亦乐乎 -- 就好像什么事都没有发生过。他们或者是没有放在心上,又或者是因为有“利益”而“不计前嫌”。还有可能和那个打的最凶的小孩玩的最起劲。

职场纠纷是在所难免的。你的存活,就赖于你如何化解这些大大小小的“劫”。你只要牢牢记着,只要把每一场“劫”照着小孩般的争执那样去化解;你就可以在那里存活久一点。说白了点,就是要学小瓜们那样的“不计前嫌” (尤其是和你职位息息相关/公事来往多的那个人;不管他多令你讨厌,多狡猾;你还是要好像小瓜们的手腕那样的和他相处)。只要你笑着和他共事,他也很难找理由拒绝和你“分享” “玩具”的。




Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Tioman Island 3D2N Getaway.

Tioman Island is located 32km off the east coast of Peninsula Malaysia and it's around 2 hours drive from Skudai/JB. Since it's just a 2hrs drive, we decided to go there right before the next peak season - school mid-term break.  We did not make any booking before going there; since it's not a peak season (we assumed) We chose Tioman Island just because it's the nearest we can afford to go. (not prefer long hour drive as we only have maximum 3 days to spend)

DAY 1:
We decided to detour to Sibu Island right after we passed by Kota Tinggi. We changed the GPS destination to Tanjung Leman instead. We spent shorter time to reach the jetty of Tanjung Leman as it's closer. At first, we were very happy of the detour decision. But, our joy was dampen when we found out that we actually need a booking to go to the resort in Sibu Island. There is no ferry service like Tioman Island. The boat will only pick up guests who had make their booking/reservation with the specific resort. Well, we managed to call up one. Guess what? The accommodation, including 3 meals (for 2 adults, 2 kids) only RM235. However, the boat fare is killing us! Since there is no guest check-in to that resort on that particular day, we have to pay RM540 for a return boat trip! Since we have no visibility on the situation, we decided to drive to Tioman. 

Finally, we reached Mersing Jetty after another 1 hour drive. Everything was running smoothly, we managed to get a chalet (surprisingly, many places are fully booked)
Tips: Please book your resort before you go. You can have more choices if you book ahead. Also, please remember to asked for 'package' price. Normally, the price for packaged deal is more worthwhile.

The next ferry departure time is 11:30 am and we were thinking to have our lunch at Tioman as the ferry ride will take us about 1.5 hours. WHO KNOWS, the ferry was delayed for 2 hours! Luckily there are stalls selling snacks.
Tips: Remember to bring along food that is able to fill up your stomach, like bread or burgers. This is important especially if you are traveling with kids.

We arrived at Genting at 3pm. It took us about 10mins to walk to our chalet - Idaman Beach Holiday.
Tips: If you are going to Genting, choose the resorts/chalets that are located at the right side of the island. The right side sea shore is more sandy while left side is rocky. (beside Idaman, Impiana Inn also located on the right side)

We were looking for food at odd hour of 4:30pm. Most of them still close and one Chinese lady recommended us a Chinese restaurant - . We spent RM96 for 1 vege, 1 soup, 1 prawn & 1 fish dish. They have most of the items price listed on the menu. However, the quality of the dishes didn't appear in par with the price charged.

Tips: If you are not engaged with any packaged deal, and going for budget trip; try going to other restaurant where food prices are cheaper. 

We walked along the rocky, then sandy seaside.

Right before sunset, kids had their very first experience swimming in the sea. They were scared at first, and thrilled after that. They enjoyed it so much till we need to hurry them to go home before the sky turned totally dark.

DAY 2:
We arranged snorkelling trip with the hotel manager and he only charged us RM150 for the whole family. Then we pay extra RM20 more for kids masks. And, after breakfast, there we go!

The first snorkelling spot was actually marine park. We saw only fishes, in different sizes. Kids were thrilled with their first snorkelling experience. However,  their masks were either spoiled or too tight. (we forgot to try on their big head before we hop into the boat)

Luckily we had standby two loaves of bread for fishes. They stayed on the big floater and enjoy feeding fish while both of us continue snorkelling.

We had enough relaxation with warm sea breeze and scenic island view.

The boat continues to cruise to another snorkelling location after lunch. It was in the middle of big blue sea. Weather suddenly turned cloudy and started to rain. They stayed in the boat while daddy jumped down to see if there is anything. To our surprise, there were many beautiful corals. We swam quite a distance from the boat to look for more corals.

We got back to our chalet around 2:30pm. After a nice shower, we took a short nap. Then, around 5pm, we were out again.

Pink colour banana flower in upright position. (I dunno whether this is rare or not; but for me, that was the first time I saw this)

Playing in the sunset.

Sleeping beauties around the island were caught in action. They must be waiting for their prince charming to arrive. Or they are actually working night shift.

DAY 3:

No letting go any chances to play, like never see sands in their life....

We decided to take 10:00 a.m ferry but AGAIN, we were waited in the small, congested jetty for 2 hours before we board on the ferry! And, the best thing is No One knows what's going on & No One were sent to inform the passengers when is the exact time.

Bidding bye-bye to the fishes with bread.