Wednesday 9 October 2013

不要以為每個跟你談養生談保健的朋友都是想騙你的錢- 網上轉載

【不要以為每個跟你談養生談保健的朋友都是想騙你的錢】- 網上轉載
功夫巨星李連杰在參加第六屆私教節時,談論健康養生之道和太極:你很有錢,但你值錢嗎? 不要以為每個跟你談養生談保健的朋友都是想騙你的錢! 錢是你的,身體也是你的!
你捨得穿衣, 你捨得買車, 你捨得買房, 你捨得在高檔場所消費, 你捨得購買奢侈品, 你捨得買一張床幾十萬, 你捨得買一個馬桶十幾萬, 你捨得買一個飯桌十幾萬, 你捨得買一雙皮鞋幾萬塊,但是卻不捨得花幾萬塊修理修理你的那個身體,養養你的睡眠,通通你的便秘,通通你的血管,降降你的胰島素,降降你那脂肪肝。
別人一與你談保健養生,你立刻捂著口袋瞪著眼睛,彷彿別人都是衝著你的錢來的,朋友們,請用一雙友愛的眼睛、善良的心去了解去觀察好嗎? 世間沒有那麼多的欺騙與傷害,願意與你談保健養生,關心你身體狀況的人,都是愛你的親人與朋友。 分享與播種美好的事物是人與生具來的本性,用一顆敞開的胸懷去接受去嘗試,純淨的心靈,健康的身體,美好的生活,每個人都應該擁有! 生命有限,健康無價! 願每個朋友都能夠擁有幸福和諧的家庭,健康快樂的人生!
我说啊,如果不是看在大家一场‘相识’, 你说我会在乎吗。。。。? 是时候好好地看待自己的健康,做做保健,养养生。 要不要活得更久不是关键,关键是你想不想活得健康。

Thursday 3 October 2013

How to help our children to admit their mistake?

A Wimpy Kid's mom diary:


After turn SAHM for about 2 yrs, I learn that it’s for my own good not to address everything that I hear or I see even sometimes I am so itch to open my mouth. This is very effective in avoiding argument.

Tonite during dinner, Ian said he just took his LINUS today. Then he added, it’s held on Sept. (Sept? Now we are already in Oct) I believe it was just a slip of tongue, I better kept quite. However, his uncle pointed this out. He denied he ever say this, as usual! They argued over this and I interfered just to prove to him that I heard it too. However, his state of denial just as firm as his stubbornness. The most irritate things was, he cried out loud when 3 of us tried to prove him that he indeed say so.

Ended up? I’m the one who flared up & smacked on the table to stop him. Still, he stood firm on himself, denied that he ever said so. Ya, sometimes I just avoid having this type of argument with him, more so when I’m alone with him. I couldn’t find another witness to prove him wrong. Even though I can get one, it appears useless as he will still stubbornly deny it. Sometimes, I have to refrain myself on pointing out his mistake especially a mere of slip of tongue or something that is less important.

Well, I did googled on how to handle this – to encourage him to admit his mistake. Talked to him calmly (I have to pretend so) in order to make him feel comfortable and keep telling him it doesn’t matter as we, human, make mistakes. Just the matter of admit it and not to repeat it. It seems hard for him to accept that he make a mistake. It’s even harder for him to pop the word ‘sorry’ out from his mouth. Whenever I mentioned about apologized, he will cry out loud.

Most of the time, he cried so loud and I can't waited to get this over. And, believe it or not? It seldom gets OVER. Finally, after he cooled down, and I can’t wait to wrap this up, he will tell me with his very soft tone – I didn’t say that.  >.<  

I normally went mute as I’d used up all the words that I can from my word bank. If you want to know whether I manage to handle this, I have to admit that I FAIL to. I can’t find another way, so far. I have to keep battle with his stubbornness, as long as he is still under my care. Or until one day, he learned from it.
For you sake, here are some tips from the parenting experts
(extract & edited from
- Help our children understand that everyone makes mistakes and we 
don’t expect them to be perfect
- React to a mistake with a determination to help our child learn 
from it
- Wait for our child to calm down before discussing the mistake. 
- Encourage our child to admit to a mistake, and to take responsibility for it rather than blaming others. 
- Make sure that we stick to the one mistake, rather than bringing up any similar mistakes made in the past.
- Encourage our child to say sorry and discuss ways of doing this in person if possible or in a letter. 
- A good apology includes: a description of what happened, recognition of the hurt or damage done, accepting responsibility for the situation, admitting their role in the incident, expressing regret for what happened, asking forgiveness, reassurance that it won’t happen again and how they would like to make up for the hurt or damage. 
- Overcome the temptation to rescue our child from the consequences of a mistake. And help them to realise the consequences of their actions. (Such as children not wanting to play with them, people being cross, punishments at school etc.).