Sunday, 2 June 2013

a tooth for a tooth

I was watching MV while downloading oldies from a website last Friday evening while the kids were busy doing their art craft. I collected some toilet rolls months before school holidays for them to make into paper binoculars. After the chaotic art craft session, I was about to finish downloading the songs that I want. Thinking since the computer is on, why not let them watch some cartoons from YouTube. Oggy came across my mind, and I managed to get a nice one.
I was glad that it keeps them quiet for some time. While helping Yvaine to fix her binoculars with string, I saw the screen showing "a tooth for a tooth". Thinking this is a chance to let Ian learn up a new proverb, I paused the video, asked him to guess what is the meaning. He said he never learn this before, so, I translated it into mandarin.

"so, have you come across 以牙还牙?"
"Ohhhhh......I know"
"explain, please."
"It's about to change ones milk tooth to permanent tooth"
@.@** this may be the one and only tooth concern for an eight years old kid.

** meaning of a tooth for a tooth, or 以牙还牙 is : to punish ones wrongdoing by inflicting the equal degree of injury to the wrongdoer.

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